www.doubleyourline.com – Apply for Double Your Line (DYL) Visa Credit Card

by cclogin November 05, 2018
Merrick Bank Credit Card Application Offer Verification Mail Offer

Double Your Line Offer Verification Of Merrick Bank


Merrick bank was founded in the year 1997. As a financial concern, it’s one of the highest authorized issuer of MasterCard, Visa cards. Throughout the country, Merrick delivers finance options for RV dealers and Marine. Merrick bank gives services to 2.4 million customers. Although this bank isn’t flying over the radar, they have several potential visa card holders.


Bearing blemished credit is now no longer a burden you can’t shake off. Merrick Bank can help you get a new credit card with a wide range of products that meet your needs.


If you’re still using a damaged credit card, it’s time to shed it. Merrick bank offers a re-establishment of your card, with a large range of products that you desire. It’s the double your line card. This offer brings you a major benefit if you are looking for credit improvement. A timely first seven months of minimum payment will be doubled automatically by the bank.


Double your line offer verification guide


The invitation you got from Merrick Bank to apply for the visa credit card, it’s a classic one. If you haven’t got the invitation, you must not be paying on time. To get it you must pay timely. If you continue to do that, your account will be reviewed for the enhancement of the credit line. Only thing is required that you pay before the due date at least for 7 months. This way the bank will double your credit line accordingly. If you have chosen this offer, a notification will be given to you in your bill, along with a new assignment of the credit limit. You can complete your application offer at-  www.doubleyourline.com.

Merrick Bank Credit Card Application Offer Verification Mail Offer

Additional benefits


  • You will get a competitive rate for the Double Your Line Visa Credit Card. It’s an Unsecured credit card. The APR price is 16.45% to 29.70%, 21.45% to 34.70% for advanced cash payments. $0 to $72 is the annual fee in the first year and $0 to $6 per month after that. It’s a one-time fee of $0 to $75.


  • You can also apply for Merrick Bank’s Secured Visa Card and check the secured card’s Pricing Appendix.


  • Monthly FICO Score with enrollment in Paperless Statements is free. Log onto the Cardholder Center and click on the “Go Paperless” to enlist.


  • Has $0 fraud liability.


  • Free of cost online and mobile account access to the track or you can make payments online and access customer service at their toll-free number 24/7.


The sheer advantages of it are you will not find this double feature from any other bank. Some of the banks will increase the credit limit if requested, however, so many of them have it as an automatic one. By the double offer, Merrick bank is providing you the advantage of having a perfect utilization ratio of credit. This is a crucial factor while calculating the score of credit. The bank will also not penalize this card if the payment is late.


Contact information

If you have questions about your account, credit cards, and for billing disputes

call the customer service at- 1-800-204-5936 (24/7)






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